Below are links to pages of our 5th Grade proficency exam give at the end of the year. It was design to show a comprehensive understanding of materials presented over the course of not only the year but the student's time in elementary school.
5th Grade Proficency Exam- Elements of Art, page 1
5th Grade Proficency Exam - Foreground-Facial, page 2
5th Grade Proficency Exam - Artwork Comparison, page 3
5th Grade proficency Exam - Open Response, page 4
Below are links to Watertown Public Schools Grade Level Outcomes and Standards. The National and State Visual Art Standards are broken down into specific skill base objectives.
PreK/K Grade Level Outcomes
1st/2nd Grade Level Outcomes
3rd/4th Grade Level Outcomes
5th Grade Grade Level Outcomes
Below is a link to my lesson lists. It is a compilation of all my lessons to date along with materials, concepts and time alottments.
K-5th Grade Lesson List